TOY NAME: Mrs. Cyclone TOY CREATOR: Miranda, age 8 SUPER POWERS: Climbs up walls

TOY NAME: Susie TOY CREATOR: Shaun, age 7 SUPER POWERS: Eats mayonaise

TOY NAME: Cherry Blossom, Dandelion TOY CREATOR: Chloe, age 4 SUPER POWERS: Super fast, Ability to fly

TOY NAME: Spiky TOY CREATOR: Greta, age 8 SUPER POWERS: Super speed

TOY NAME: Pentatonix, Flash TOY CREATOR: Julia, age 8 SUPER POWERS: Goes underwater for a long time, Lights up to lead bad buys to a trap


TOY NAME: Helicopter TOY CREATOR: Shrihari, age 8 SUPER POWERS: Uses its flipper to smack people

TOY NAME: Starlight TOY CREATOR: Aparna, age 8 SUPER POWERS: Launches burgers

TOY NAME: Triggy, Jetpack, Mr. Moon TOY CREATOR: Priyl, age 8 SUPER POWERS: Ability to fly, Goes underwater; Digs through the earth, Super jumping power

TOY NAME: Star Peace, Bird of Prey, Booboo TOY CREATOR: Erika, age 8 SUPER POWERS: Ability to fly, Smashes things with super strength, Stretches out long

TOY NAME: Spinny, Minnie TOY CREATOR: Sanvie, age 5 SUPER POWERS: Spins; Punches bad guys with spikes, Resistance to lava

TOY NAME: Oranges, Goldie, Stripes TOY CREATOR: Valeria SUPER POWERS: Makes Oranges, Goes super fast; Has camouflage, Goes inro space; Lives on any planet